What is Dress Rehearsal Week???

A week (Monday - Friday) when all dancers wear their dance recital costumes to their dance classes. During this week, dancers practice their recital dance and the teacher takes pictures.

When is dress rehearsal week Each Year?

Dress Rehearsal Week consists of the weekdays leading up to the recitals. (Monday - Friday & then the recitals are during the weekend.)

What time is it?

During your child’s regularly scheduled dance class(es). (EX: The Monday 2-4 year-old Tumble class meets each Monday from 5:00-5:30 pm so they will have their dress rehearsal on Monday, May 12th from 5:00-5:30 pm).

Where is it?

At Goins Dancing!

Does my Child need to have her Hair and Make up done during Dress Rehearsal week?

Hair and make-up is not required. Parents are welcome to do their child’s hair and make if they would like. Some parents choose to practice hair and make-up for the teacher to see it (either during this week… or week earlier in the dance season).

Should my child wear regular Clothes and then change into a costume?

We do not have a lot of space for dancers to change. Please have you dancers arrive and leave in their costumes. If you need to have your dancer change either upon arrival or prior to leaving please let their teacher know.

What about Competition Costumes?

Dancers will not wear their competition costumes during Dress Rehearsal Week because they have already performed in them.

When is Recital Week This Season?

May 19th - 22nd